

"WOW" - 混搭 台/日 獨立搖滾10/6 星期五 晚上8:00 登場 (7:30開放入場)

關於"WOW"馬里可夫 / Marikov,三位來自橫濱的年輕日本旅人,用鋼琴、吉他和鼓演奏出甜美瘋狂又無厘頭的 Marikov 式音樂。

主唱&吉他手~Mackiee是橫濱獨立大團“Honey Lemontea Jinx”的創作主腦;鍵盤&吉他手~Yoda則是小白兔唱片發行的日本獨立樂團“Rico”之貴氣吉他手;唯一的女生~Mariko是充滿幸福感的可愛鼓手。

此次是Marikov第5次來台的第2次流浪巡迴演出,停泊高雄站,接駁至子宮的演出,將混搭來自 台北的 薄荷葉 及 高雄當地樂團 橘娃娃,期待180分鐘悸動的感受~音波暖暖緊緊地擁抱著人心,飄飄然浸淫在 Indie Rock+Dream Pop 樂音之中,想像像吹泡泡似的~輕輕悄悄地冒出、在七彩光影中乘著空氣漫舞、飛散開來,轉眼間又啵、啵、啵地乍然消逝...整晚載浮載沈於實驗搖滾精神的浪濤之中。
若欲瞭解各演出者 請上 子宮(WombBloc) 網站:http://www.lofi.url.com.tw/womb/

About "WOW""Marikov" features three young Japanese sojourners from Yokohoma, using keyboard, guitar, and drum set to present their sweet, crazy yet unpredictable style of music. Lead singer and guitarist Mackiee is also the front man of Japanese Indie band "Honey Lemontea Jinx". Yoda, keyboardist /guitarist of the group, also does guitar duty for another Indie Japanese band "Rico", whose works had been introduced to us courtesy of White Rabbit Records. Mariko, a cutie and the only female member of the group herself, handles the drum set. The upcoming Kaohsiung gig here in WombBloc will mark Marikov's 5th trip to Taiwan as well as their 2nd tour around the island. Other acts for this gig include "the Peppermints" and local darling the "Orange Doll". Come and expect a full 180 minutes of indie rock and dream pop fest, as the music bubbles out and surround you with waves of Indie Rock spirit.
Any questions or further inquiry about performers, please visit our website atwww.lofi.url.com.tw/wombMarikov



嘿嘿~ PEACE!
